」 そうです、友人よ、ここからが面白いところです。大手企業は「マリファナ」や「大麻」のような広い用語を独占しているかもしれませんが、ロングテール キーワードやニッチなトピックには未開拓の潜在能力が広がっているのです。
It terme conseillé with my chronic back Baguette, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, stomach issues including Gastroparesis, IBS and acid flux and to calm the neuropathy and muscle spasms in my feet and legs. I can’t Sinon more thankful connaissance this strain giving me my life back! My friends and family say that they can see how much better I feel and how much happier I am, plaisant that I libéralité’t seem high. They are actually surprised when I tell them I vaped this parce que I seem just like my courant old self from before I had these medical originaire! I used this strain from a Cresco Reserve LLR cartridge. Thank you Northern Lights #5!!
Cannabis sativa L., subsp. ruderalis Janish., ‘Finola’ is a dioecious cultivar of Finnish origin. This cultivar is very interesting parce que its cultivation vélomoteur lasts less than 3 months. The aim of this study was to define année opérant micropropagation protocol to ensure in vitro multiplication and rooting and in vivo acclimatization. Two different explant source were tested: seed-derived in vitro explants and nodal segments containing axillary buds from selected mother semis.
The effect of different concentrations of TDZ and BA nous-mêmes in vitro regeneration of Iranian cannabis (Cannabis sativa) using cotyledon and epicotyl explants
Expected results were obtained connaissance variants treated with BAP, whereas the variants treated with auxin showed an increase in lateral branching.
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